Retrocon 2024

Retro Top Ten: Star Trek Movie Lines

From the home office in Sioux City Iowa...

Top Ten Lines From The New Star Trek Movie
(circa 1989)

10. Captain! There's a horrible life form on your head! Oh sorry. It's your hairpiece.
9.   Surprise! Those aren't dilithium crystals--they're Folgers crystals!
8.   Damn it, Jim! I'm a doctor--not a very good actor!
7.   Don't let Kirk show you what he calls "the Captain's Log."
6.   Computer analysis of the tape indicates it really is Rob Lowe.
5.   Geez--I'm sick of you guys!
4.   It's been a century since they changed your planet's name from Earth to Trump.
3.   Oh yeah! Well beam this up, pal!
2.   What the hell is Don King doing here?
1. Screw the Final Frontier! Let's go see Batman.

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