Retrocon 2024

Rank 'Em: Toylines of the '80s

RD80s is proud to present another episode of Rank 'Em, the Top 5 countdown podcast! This time we are spreading our '80s wings by spanning the entire decade! Jason welcomes Chad E. Young from the Horror Movie BBQ and Podcast back to the show to rank our favorite toylines from the1980s. We begin with a little insight into what we collected as kids and also out tendencies now as overgrown kids. Then we dive into our Top 5 lists which include many different toy classics (podcast version even includes audio from their actual TV commercials for your listening pleasure!)

In case you need a refresher, Rank 'Em features host Jason and a guest putting together a Top 5 list on a specific topic. We will countdown our choices from 5-1 along with a few honorable mentions on the podcast. Remember, Rank 'Em lists are always based on our personal favorites and not what "should" be the Top 5 based on popularity.

Let's Rank 'Em!

Listen to the podcast now on your favorite app (also now on iHeartRadio), download using this direct link, or watch our recording session via the RD80 YouTube channel embedded below...

Continue the conversation by posting your feedback and your own Top 5 list in the comments section below. You can also catch up on previous Rank 'Em lists by visiting the Rank 'Em Archive. Never too late to post your list!

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