Retrocon 2024

Rank 'Em: 1989 TV Shows

Rank 'Em returns with another Top 5 countdown on the Rediscover the 80s Podcast! We are continuing the 30th anniversary celebration of 1989 by ranking our favorite TV shows that made their debut. Comedy, sports, late night, teenage drama, reality, animation...1989 was a great year in American television which includes some of our favorite shows of all time.

In case you need a refresher, Rank 'Em features host Jason and a guest putting together a Top 5 list on a specific topic. We countdown our choices from 5-1 along with a few honorable mentions. And remember, these Rank 'Em lists are always based on our personal favorites and not what "should" be the Top 5 based on popularity or ratings.

Jason welcomes back to the podcast Mickey Yarber from (and YouTube channel) to rank our favorite TV shows from 1989. We begin with some context by running down the Neilsen ratings for the Fall 1989 - Spring 1990 and with some moments in TV history. Then we dive into our picks which are preempted by their theme songs for your listening pleasure!

Let's Rank 'Em!

Search for the Rediscover the 80s Podcast now on your favorite app, download this episode using this direct link, or watch our recording session via the RD80s YouTube channel embedded below...

Continue the conversation by posting your feedback and your own Top 5 (or 10) list in the comments section below. You can also catch up on previous Rank 'Em lists by visiting the Rank 'Em Archive. Never too late to post your list!

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