Retrocon 2024

Memory Jogger 56 - Living in the '80s Outside of the US

In this episode of Memory Jogger, we invite friends from outside the United States to learn about their experiences living through the 1980s and early 1990s.  We discuss common topics such as television to include the DJ Kat Show, canned and ready meals like Fish Balls, outside entertainment such as caravaning, and so much more.

Thank you everyone for listening and subscribing!  If you listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, we kindly appreciate your 5 star review.  We welcome any of your memories we might have jogged in the comments below or tweet us @RD80s .

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You can find the Memory Jogger as part of the Rediscover the '80s Podcast feed or search for "Rediscover the 80s" in your favorite podcast or listening app.

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