Retrocon 2024

5 Retro Marketing Strategies That Still Work

Technology might have changed the way people connect with individuals and brands, but there are vintage advertising methods are working better than ever. Check out the five retro marketing strategies that still work to this very day.


You only need to watch an episode of Mad Men to know that presentations are one of the oldest and most effective marketing strategies in business. While some people might be happy to use presentation tools and techniques from the '80s, technology has fortunately moved on and people can now easily and quickly create professional presentations on their computers. For example, you can use the best free slideshow maker to promote your idea, product or campaign to a business associate or client, and can choose from a range of pre-designed layouts, texts and themes.


Coupons and mailers were popular with customers throughout the '80s and '90s. With the rise of the internet, many businesses have focused their attention on providing customers with coupons online. Yet, mailers can be a great marketing tactic for local businesses, as you can target potential customers based on their neighborhood and perceived wealth – so it’s an effective way for local businesses to compete with their established rivals.

Sign Spinning

Companies are spending an arm and a leg on expensive marketing strategies to yield a return. Yet, sign spinning is one retro tactic that could help businesses boost their sales. While you might often wonder why any business would employ sign spinning, studies have found they can successfully capture the attention of passersby, which can boost brand recognition. It is, therefore, an affordable, fun and effective retro marketing investment.

Jingles or Slogans

Coca-Cola, Coors Light and Diet Pepsi were just some of the big brands that used jingles to market their brands back in the 80s. It is also one marketing method that has never diminished over time. Brands across the world continue to use jingles or slogans today, as they can boost brand awareness through catchy, memorable songs and phrases, which will remain in an audience’s mind long after an ad has come to an end.

Promotional Gifts

Most people love to receive free goods from brands. That’s why promotional gifts continue to be popular to this very day. Customers are more likely to remember a brand if they receive a high-quality promotional product, which they can use in their everyday life. As a result, the increased brand awareness will make them more likely to contact a business once they need their products or services.

There is no reason why businesses can’t enjoy both modern and traditional marketing strategies. After all, TV commercials inspired YouTube advertisements, and email marketing campaigns are used following the success of direct mail newsletters from previous generations.

Have you got an example of how traditional marketing tactics have inspired modern methods? Or do you know a retro tactic that still works today? Write a comment below to share your tips and opinions.

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