Retrocon 2024

Misheard 80s Lyrics: 'Annie, are you walking?'

"Annie, are you walking?"

Probably, the most misheard music artist of all time is Michael Jackson. Even fans of the "King of pop" gotta admit that he had his own set of lyrics that no one else used on their records.
I'll confess to hearing these misheard lyrics, but according to AmiRight.Com, I'm not the only one who has heard "Annie, are you walking?" when listening to 1987's "Smooth Criminal." Check out these others I've found through the AmIRight.Com site...

"Annie, are you okay?" (original)
Aaron, are you walking?
Addy, are you wookie?
Annie, are you smoking?
Annie, are you ugly? Are you ugly Annie?

Annie, don't you want cake? Don't you want cake? Don't you want cake, Annie? 
Annie in Milwaukee
Annie, you're a Donkey. 
Anything you want, take. 
Eddie is a monkey 
Granny, are you working?

No matter what lyrics you've heard, you'll enjoy this remix of "Smooth Criminal" pulled from the Sega16-Bit Moonwalker video game! Leave a comment if you've heard other misheard lyrics from this song!

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