Retrocon 2024

The Weekly Links: RBI Baseball Makes Comeback, Milli Vanilli Opera, Gremlins Eat Snickers

Another week has passed that was full of '80s nostalgia and it's time once again for The Weekly Links to present it all to you! It's always a blast to put this post together and this week was no different with topics of video games, music, movies, TV, and more. Let's get right to it!
R.B.I. Baseball 14 coming spring 2014 on consoles, mobile devices - Polygon
 - If you remember playing this in the arcade or on NES like I do, then this is wonderful news. I miss those simplified sports games that didn't require you to push 8 buttons to pitch the ball. Visit or follow @rbigame on Twitter to get the latest updates.

This 1980s “Dancin’ Grannies” Workout Is A Real Thing And It Is Amazing - BuzzFeed Rewind
 - I do remember seeing the TV commercials for this...and I could've gone the rest of my life without remembering it.

This 8-Bit Harmonica Makes Blowing Into NES Carts Musical - Gizmodo
 - Remember blowing the dust out of NES cartridges? Well these folks took cartridges from the original Nintendo system (Famicom) and turned them into musical instruments!

10 Essential Brat Pack Movies - WhatCulture!
 - Of the 10, I know I've seen 8 of them. Don't remember watching The Outsiders and Some Kind of Wonderful which is probably blasphemy on this site.

Milli Vanilli opera announced based on 1980s lip sync scandal - Gigwise
 - If they are true to the story, they'll lip-sync to an audio track that occasionally skips.

Robert Downey, Jr. Croons Incredible Police Cover - Rolling Stone
 - Definitely the video of the week for me. But as Jeff pointed out over on the RD80s Facebook page, this isn't the first time Downey has covered The Police.

Herbie Hancock Named Harvard Professor of Poetry - Billboard
 - That's right, the same guy that brought us this outrageous masterpiece of a music video is now a Harvard professor.

28 Reasons Clair Huxtable Is Perfection Embodied - BuzzFeed Rewind
 - She was the perfect sitcom wife and mom.

SNICKERS 'Gremlins' by GARY FREEDMAN - Wanda Productions YouTube channel
 - The io9 website tipped this gem of a commercial to me. My questions is, was Gremlins that big in Europe? This would definitely work in the U.S. too among the other Snickers ads.

Back to the 80s: Wendy's 'Where's the Beef?' campaign began in January 1984 - Kickin' it Old School
 - It's be 30 years since we've first heard Clara shout "Where's the beef?" Check out a brief history of the ad campaign for Wendy's restaurants.

The Seedy Adult Underworld of 80s Family Entertainment - Branded In The 80s
 - Shawn has uncovered that the novels based on movies like Ghostbusters, The Goonies, and E.T. contain some questionable scenes that weren't in the films. So that's why people always say that "the book is better than the movie."

A He-Man Brawler Based On The 80s Cartoon. Yes. - Kotaku
 - WOW. This is the He-man game I think most of us want. It appears a fan has taken the initiative to create this game. More info is available through the links posted on YouTube description. Can someone say Kickstarter??

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  1. You haven't seen The Outsiders or SKOW? You should definitely move them to the top of your list!

    Agree with you on Kickstarter to make that awesome He-Man game.


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