Retrocon 2024

My 'Biking To Buzzards' Memoir Of '80s Childhood Adventures Is Now Available!

A couple years ago I decided to start of memoir of my childhood adventures and memories. As much time as I spend in the '80s on this website, I figured it would be fun to write down my personal experiences. I wanted it to be more than "Hey, I remember playing with Gobots and staying up to watch The A-Team." In other words, I didn't write the book to be the next season of The Goldbergs

I grew up in a small rural town in Pennsylvania and most of my favorite memories involve being outside and stretching the long leash that parents gave us back then. The book's title Biking To Buzzard's references my favorite bike trip to the local general store to buy candy and trading cards. Sadly, the store was torn down to make way for a dollar store several years ago and I never could track down an actual photo. However, I took a photo of a similar storefront just down the block and stylized for the cover of my memoir.

I wrote this book to serve both as a remembrance for my friends and peers as well as a time machine for my kids. Trust me, it's not something I wrote with aspirations of a writing career or even padding my wallet. It's just a memoir, nothing more nothing less. I've self-published the book exclusively to Amazon for $2.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited.

Thanks to all of you who have followed me and supported here on RD80s for over 5 years now. I hope the book will jolt a few childhood memories of your own.

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