Retrocon 2024

Is Your Teen Obsessed With the '80s? Help Them Decorate Their Room

Whether influenced by the social media frenzy, platforms like TikTok, or television series like Stranger Things, you may find that the teens in your life are obsessed with the '80s. While you may not want your entire house to end up looking like a bad 80s sitcom set, why not be the cool “boomer” and help them to decorate their room accordingly? There are several ways in which this can be achieved, depending on your budget (and the level of their obsession).

The 1980s were all about excess, whether it was in terms of furniture design, clothing, or even haircuts. Particularly, home design had a strong, frequently extravagant appearance that has started to look somewhat dated. But fear not, key components can be used in your designing and planning while still giving it a fresh feel that brings it into the present.


The bold use of color was significant in '80s home design as well as fashion. Give your teen’s room a retro makeover by choosing a vibrant wall color instead of a neutral one. Let them guide you with color choices and allow their ideas to take shape in the space. For a bright effect, you may opt for colors like hot pink, purple, turquoise, or lime rather than outdated pastels like peach or aqua. Reserve neutral colors for the furniture.


In the '80s, eye-catching patterns were equally as popular as bright colors. Allow your teen to choose patterns they love. Give these a contemporary feel and treatment by using wall stencils to create a unique focus. Animal print, herringbone and chevrons can add a fresh feel to patterned areas.

Mirrored walls were popular in the 1980s, but as opposed to full-wall mirrored panels, why not suggest mirrored tiles evenly spaced across a chosen area? For a more whimsical approach, assemble a variety of framed mirrors in various sizes, shapes, and designs to make a mirrored collage that has a hint of the '80s vibe without being tacky.

Lighting and Accessories

In some opinions, the dominant lighting choices of fluorescent and neon in the '80s were hardly the most aesthetically pleasing ones. You can still get the feel of this while adding a modern twist. Choose recessed fixtures if track lighting isn't your thing. Even though they aren't adjustable like track lights, they offer comparable lighting when dispersed across the ceiling for a retro aesthetic. Nickel and chrome finishes will aid you in achieving that '80s look. It's simple and inexpensive to add a hint of neon to your design, whether it be on the walls, in linens, artwork, or decorative items.

By reconstructing and reinventing the style, you can add several personal touches that your teen will love. Go bold with accessories, but remember that while they love the 80s, they will want the best when it comes to their gaming options. Introduce them to the world of joystick games where members of the community benefit from gaming and creative chances in the blockchain and tokenized game economy.

By allowing your teen to have an opinion about how to decorate their space, you will not be forced to use laminate cabinetry, pastel wall colors, or stuffy flower designs, but rather you can create an original and edgy design that is both nostalgic and inventive.

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