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How 1980s Television Influenced the Pop Culture of the Time

Television's Influence On 1980s Pop Culture

The 1980s was a revolutionary decade with changes in various spheres. The active development of technology led to social and economic reforms, which left both good and bad memories. People are nostalgic about the 1980s and the games, music, and movies of that era are often called the best of their kind. Memories of this period do not subside and even influence culture in modern times.

Before the beginning of the decade, television was dominated by three networks - CBS, ABC, and NBC. The advent of the cable transmission format shattered their leadership by giving viewers a greater selection of TV programs, sitcoms, and music videos. But the golden era of television didn't just get people accustomed to new show formats. People began to absorb modern values through them, which they took out into the streets and spread among their peers. Television in the 1980s had a great influence on the pop culture of the time.

Popular TV Shows of the 1980s

Although the era of network television dominance was coming to an end, it was replaced by cable analog. Along with it, multimedia technology began to develop. The first remote controls, home theaters, and VCRs appeared in the homes of many Americans. Cable television was becoming the most popular source of information. Together with the remote channel changer, it revolutionized the world. It was in the 1980s that the so-called TV "surfing" came into being. It's about quickly switching between channels in an attempt to find interesting content. Nowadays, the term is more often applied to searching for information on the Internet.

The era of the 1980s is gone but it's not dead. It often inspires the creation of modern entertainment. You can find a couple of them featuring the Slots Empire bonus among its wide range of products offered by the casino of the same name. Modern franchises bringing together fans of nostalgia are not an exception.

If we talk about the 1980s, there were a lot of sitcoms on TV. Soap operas, detectives, crime dramas, and cop projects were especially popular. Here are three TV shows that had the biggest impact on pop culture at the time.

The Cosby Show

One of the most successful TV shows of the 1980s. The leading role was comedian Bill Cosby. All seasons of the story revolve around an up-scale income family that lives in Brooklyn. It's success revived sitcoms on NBC, so it is considered an iconic show.


This is a comedy television show about one cozy bar in Boston with its main set. In it, locals gather after work to have a drink, relax, share the news, and just have a nice conversation. The start of the project was unsuccessful, and at one point the network wanted to cancel it. Still, the sitcom survived the critics and became a favorite among viewers which lasted 11 years.

Miami Vice

The stylish sitcom about detectives was not the only one in the crime genre but it achieved high success. According to the plot, events unfold in Miami while wo undercover detectives spectacularly cope with the tasks. The musical theme for the TV show was written by Jan Hammer which even entered the top of the music charts.

The emergence and success of television shows were a breakthrough in the 1980s. Much of the pop culture of that time consisted of music videos, and the sitcom format not only blended seamlessly into life but still influences the culture today.

Unprecedented Influence of Television on the People of the 1980s

The 1980s was an era of self-expression. Television was no exception. In addition, it became more independent in 1984 after the adoption of a relevant legislative act. The new regulatory framework of the industry was able to stimulate an active flow of investment, which helped about 70 networks to be launched during that period.

Loosening restrictions from the government, along with satellite delivery, turned cable television into a powerful industry that began to provide consumers with high-quality information and entertainment in video format. The demand for the service grew steadily, and in 1989 about 79 percent of U.S. households had cable television. Earlier people used to watch only local news on television, but into the late 1980s they enjoyed several cable networks like CNN and Headline News along with music videos, sports programs, and comedy shows available around the clock.

Simultaneous Development of the Film Industry in the 1980s

Television surely influenced the film industry. While more and more sitcoms were shown on television, movies were released in cinemas specifically for the target audience of the time. They did not just entertain but also showed a picture of the then-current direction of the country's movement, tendencies prone to change, and reinforced the values of the 1980s. The films will help you feel the atmosphere of a time long gone:

You don't get to recognize that era in all movies but you won't miss the things that were of interest to the people of the United States during that period. Small details make the period that still influences pop culture today.

The movie and TV industry of the 1980s had a major impact on fashion and pop culture. Sitcoms and TV shows inspired the choice of certain closet items, while music videos shaped the demand for tracks by certain artists. Aesthetic elements considered a legacy of the 1980s are still actively used today, as the revolutionary decade left many memories in people's minds.

Image courtesy Depositphotos

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