Memory Jogger Podcast 18 - Times of the Telephone

On episode 18 of the Memory Jogger Podcast, Jason and Wyatt remember what telephones were like growing up in the 80s. We talk about when landlines were king, the setup in our homes, and try to remember our first home phone numbers. We also discuss the transition from rotary to touch tone, our first cordless phones, answering machines, and cellular car phones. Plus, we remember our favorite novelty telephones, calling (and getting in trouble) 1-900 hotlines, and pranks calls.

Thanks everyone for listening and subscribing! Please leave any of your memories we might have jogged in the comments below or tweet us @RD80s and @infamouswb. You can also watch our recording session on YouTube which features some bonus content before and after the show.

You can find the Memory Jogger podcast as part of the Rediscover the '80s Podcast feed and we'll also be releasing show's on the RD80s YouTube channel. Stream the episode below and let us know what you think!

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